Saturday, 23 March 2013

Penny's Procedure - Directions to Church

Directions to Church

Goal: To walk from the Year 2/3 classroom to the Church.

Materials: You will need:
·       A director

1.    Line up at the 2/3 door.
2.    Take 20 steps.
3.    Turn left.
4.    Take 7 steps forward and turn left.
5.    Take 17 steps forward.
6.    Turn right and take 1 step forward.
7.    Turn right again.
8.    Take 17 steps forward.
9.    Take 15 steps forward.
10.                       Take 17 steps flowed.
11.                       Be careful down the stairs.
12.                       Take 21 steps forward.
13.                       Take 13 steps down.
14.                       Take 4 steps forward.
15.                       Take 5 steps flowed.
16.                       Take 12 steps down the steps.
17.                       Take 41 steps forward.
18.                       Take 15 steps forward.
19.                       You are there.

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