Monday, 1 July 2013


One sunny morning Sophia and Titan were playing at Teresa and Jack’s fantastic house.  Sophia and Titan were playing fetch the ball and Titan always fetched the ball.

Sophia was playing and then Sophia heard an, “Awww!”  Sophia thought that Titan was tricking. Sophia ran over to Titan the second time her said, “Awww!”   Sophia tried to make him get up but Titan did not get up.  Sophia was scared and Sophia thought that Titan had dislocated his leg.

Sophia rang Teresa and said that Titan did not get up and then Teresa came and rang the vet.  The vet came and took Titan to his work.  Another day later Titan came back and the vet said that Titan had broken his leg.  Sophia was terrified and then the vet said that Titan could not run.  Sophia did what the vet said. 

A week later Titan did not get up and run.  Sophia said, “Again, ah!”  then Sophia got some pain relief on Titans leg.  Titan got up and ran like the wind!  Sophia was so very happy because Titan got up.  Then Sophia and Titan started playing again!

The End 

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